Friday, October 19, 2018

How to Add More Festivity with Christmas Pillows

Christmas is coming up way too fast. Start thinking of how you would like to decorate your home this holiday season. One of the sure ways to make your house look cheerful and bring in the holiday spirit is to replace your regular couch pillows with lovely Christmas pillows. Christmas themed pillows will not only make your house beautiful, but bring in the holiday spirit.
    Here are some of the beautiful Christmas pillows that will change the mood of the environment to match seasonal changes like Christmas.

Beautiful Red and Golden Christmas Balls Square Throw Pillow

Beautiful Red and Golden Christmas Balls Square Throw Pillow

by shabnamahsandesigns

Silver and Golden Christmas Balls & Bows Throw Pillow

Silver and Golden Christmas Balls & Bows Throw Pillow

by shabnamahsandesigns

Vintage Christmas Window Pillow

Vintage Christmas Window Pillow

by vintageamerican


Pillow "The Night before Christmas" Santa Sleigh

by Vintage_Chic_Antique

Vintage African American Christmas Pillows

Vintage African American Christmas Pillows

by ChristmasBellsRing

Vintage Bird on Snow Clad Branch Merry Christmas Throw Pillow

Vintage Bird on Snow Clad Branch Merry Christmas Throw Pillow

by shabnamahsandesigns

Golden & Red christmas Wreath with Bow & Snowflake Throw Pillow

Golden & Red christmas Wreath with Bow & Snowflake Throw Pillow

by shabnamahsandesigns

    These Christmas pillows are not only a powerful decorating tool to instantly transform a room, but also a perfect Christmas gift that your loved ones will cherish life long.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

Friendship Quotes Friday : one good friend is equal to a library

One  best book is equal to hundred good friends but one good friend is equal to a library.  
Dr A.P.J.Abdul kalam 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

How to Make Your Bath Your Beauty Aid

The daily dip can do more than cleanse .... it can banish nervous fatigue, depressing thoughts, soothe weary limbs, and wash excess fat away!

Dont look upon your bath as a necessity, a splash-in-and-dash out affair to rid the body of surface grime. Rather look upon it as a means of retaining radiant health, as an aid to good looks and slim figures, as a happy contribution, physically and spiritually, to your charm, well-being, and frame of mind.

In these days of rush and hurry these nights filled with parties dances, theatres, bridge, etc., we feel we haven't time for leisurely luxurious baths But. think!

Do you realise that every day when you take your bath you are giving yourself the most important of all beauty treatments? And yet the majority of us neglect
to make the most of the opportunities it offers us.

Twenty minutes in your bath can be as restful as lying down for a couple of hours in a darkened room

A leisurely, perfumed bath, fragrant with sweet-scented soap, will do more than wash away grime of office and streets. It will banish all the sordid thoughts, the nervous fatigue of the busy day. You will emerge from the bathroom a much nicer, sweeter more feminine and attractive girl or woman

A long, long, soaking bath taken hot with half a pound of the commercial Epsom salts (obtainable at the chemist's) will help to banish unwanted fat and
alleviate rheumatism

Soak until the water cools almost to normal. Beware of chill, and don't have the water boiling hot, or, better still, don't indulge if the old heart is rocky

The best time to take such a bath is at bedtime. Wrap yourself up well and slip directly into bed. You can aid the good work by sipping a glassful of hot
lemon juice;-juice of one lemon, the balance hot water.

But, remember! Exercise, whether it be a combination of housework and gardening, office work and the  walking, is a necessary adjunct
to the slimming bath if muscles and contours are not to sag. And you know that a stiff upper lip is essential when pastries, sweets, etc.. are offering.

Helping the Good Work

Be moderate if you must eat them, but always close your eyes when a second helping is handed round. (I'm putting on weight fast, and realise I must be
firm about it all, too. So, you see, you have my whole-hearted moral support or sympathy-in the slimming process.

Back to baths. Two tablespoonfuls of ordinary household ammonia, a tablespoon of mustard tied in a muslin bag and shaken into the bath, will make you feel as frisky as a lamb, even in winter

Once a week a cupful of starch is added to the bath is a famous beauty treatment. It is an old Spanish custom which does wonder:- for the skin

Smoothing almond oil over the body and rubbing well in before jumping into a luxuriously warm, perfumed, and scapy bath, is another lovely trick to make your skin satin-smooth.

A cold shower following the bath will stimulate circulation and make you feel on the top of the world.

Of course, there are lovely essences, crystals and tablets to be bought for the beauty bath. Or you can take any pot-pourri and mix it with an equal quantity of borax crystals and place this in a muslin bag and shake these around in the water The potpourri makes the water fragrant, the borax softens

Another water softener is oatmeal. Mix about a tablespoonful of oatmeal with a teaspoonful of powdered orris root and a dessertspoonful of pure Castile soap (shaven), place in a muslin bag, and shake in the water.

Bran is also a water softener; lemon juice or coarse salt are also beneficial adjuncts to the bath-ware;

Eau-de-Cologne is marvellous for toning up the body after the bath. Use a spray, and then rub with a towel briskly A friction toilet vinegar can be made from one part of spirits of lavender, two parts of best vinegar, and six parts rose-water

Spray on the body, rub briskly with a towel, and then dust the body lightly with talc.

It is a practical and simple routine that will help you to completely revive in body and spirit. 
     Share with your friends if you find it useful.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

How to Improve Your Voice to Match Your Personality

Now that 2017 is under way with the festive feasting over, it's time to take stock of yourself. You often think about how you look-but what about how you sound? lt's nice to have a nifty figure, luxuriant hair, and a good complexion, but don't, whatever you do, make the mistake of neglecting that other so-important feature of your personality-your speaking voice. In this article I give you some tips about that.

You've probably been looking at yourself in the mirror for years by now, so you know your good and not-so-good features and you're learning to make the best of yourself, to give the best impression.

Could it just be possible that you ruin that impression the second you open your mouth?

The truth of this was never as clearly illustrated as by some of the silent-film stars whose careers ended with a crash when soundtracks were brought in.

Try this experiment some time. Say to the family pet, in a warm, loving manner:"I hate you, you little beast. You ugly little monster."

Know how your dog will react? Wagging tail, moist tongue, rolling over-the whole glad bit. You know why? Because he hears and responds to the TONE of your voice, not the words.

That's why your mother warns you to mean it when you say, "Sorry." The tone of your voice convinces people that you are genuinely sorry-or glad, sad, angry or not.

Remember the old fairy tale about the two beautiful maidens who were rewarded by a magic gift according to their personality. The kind, thoughtful girl spoke, and beautiful jewels dropped from her lips. From the mouth of the nasty, disagreeable one came the toads.

A woman is often judged by people she may never meet, simply by the tone of her -voice over the telephone.

Nobody likes to spend much time with a woman with a whiny voice, a monotonous or rasping voice. A voice pitched too high and too loud can ruin a girl's romance or her chance for a job. Just lowering the voice both in key and volume will work wonders.

Every woman should-and can if she tries, cultivate a low-pitched, warm, lilting voice with undertones of humor, sincerity, and glad-to-be-aliveness.

Voice-recorders can do much to help careless speakers. Try listening to yourself on a voice-recorder, you may get a shock.
 “BUT it can't be ME!" That's the typical reaction from anyone who hears himself speaking on a voice-recorder for the first time. But your voice IS you. What you say and how you say it tells people what you feel, how you think-who you are.

How to improve it

It is their contention that women with unpleasant voices should take steps to remedy the situation once they hear how they sound to others. You must try to judge yourself where your trouble lies.

It may be physical-adenoids, sinus, or the shape of your mouth. More often, though, it's just laziness. People just don't put enough energy behind it. You've got to think and work at speaking nicely.

If your fault is physical, there's nothing you can do other than see a doctor or speech therapist.

But if it's just the quality (or tone) that needs improvement, your best bet is humming. Hum in the bath, hum when you wash up hum when you work in the garden.

The humming will gradually bring your voice forward, and so improve the tone.

If people keep asking you to repeat what you say, or you notice yourself that your speech is not clear, it usually means that your tongue or lips (or both) are not flexible enough.

So lock yourself in your room and start rolling your RRRRRs.

Another good exercise is to hold your lips loosely together and blow, making that silly bbbrrring noise. In fact, many of the silly noises we all make as babies are good speech exercises.

Lucky if you baby-sit regularly-for what youngster doesn't beg for more from a good story-teller? Concentrate on using your imagination to be effective. Try to create excitement and give proper meaning to a story.

The listeners' pleasure becomes your profit as you add texture, depth, even beauty, to your voice. Notice even the smallest change and keep reading aloud and striving for well-modulated tones.

  A woman's voice is one of the most important facets in her total self. Your voice is as deserving of cultivation as your figure.

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