Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Stiff Knees of Osteoarthritis

The Stiff Knees of Osteoarthritis
Kathy Crawford

Stiff Knees are generally a symptom of osteoarthritis.  The simple act of walking seems to help improve the stiffness and it can help relieve the pain of osteoarthritis of the knees.
If you have been suffering from the stiffness of osteoarthritis, you can relieve your pain and stiffness with just a few steps.  The simple act of walking seems to help improve the stiffness and it can help relieve the pain of osteoarthritis of the knees.
This is a disease that over 16 million people who live in the United States have.  It affects your joints which causes them to become stiff and painful.
The actual knee joint can be affected and it makes it very hard for some people to even walk.  But actually the simple exercise of walking is one thing that can help loosen the knee joints of people with osteoarthritis.
A test group of 102 people who had osteoarthritis in their knees and all over 40 years old were divided into two groups.  One of the groups walked 30 minutes three times a week for eight weeks and also attended special classes on osteaoarthritis along with being in support groups.  The other group did no exercise program but did have classes and support groups.
After eight weeks the exercise group showed improvement in the pain they had and were able to move around easier.  None of them said that the walking made the pain or stiffness worse.  Most of them could actually walk quite a bit farther than they could at the beginning of the study.  The other group that didn't do the weekly walking reported little or no improvement.
This goes to show that even if you feel you can hardly walk now with the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis knees that by doing just that (walking) you will get better. So make the decision now to get up and get moving knowing that in the long run it will help you feel better.

 Kathy has been writing articles off and on for almost 2 years. Come visit her latest website over at which helps people find a hoover carpet shampooer and information on various carpet shampooers.


Khussay for Men

9 Reasons You Are NOT Building Muscle - Bodybuilding Errors

9 Reasons You Are NOT Building Muscle - Bodybuilding Errors

Building muscle is not easy. If it was, everyone would be walking around muscle-bound. The task of adding muscle to your frame requires work, and many times factoring in meticulous details
If you've been pounding the iron every day, doing set after set and repetition after repetition and are showing absolutely zero results, you are probably making some costly mistakes just like many other bodybuilders.
This article is to identify and tackle each bodybuilding error to ensure you are building muscle. When you eliminate the obstacles, you start making progress.
If you are ready to start making muscle gains, then read on...
Bodybuilding Error #1: No Starting Point 
Many bodybuilders fail to show any progress when embarking on a new weight-training program because they have absolutely no idea of where to start. Before beginning a training program you need to first assess your physique. What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses? Which body parts need to be brought up to speed or balanced out?
Bodybuilding Error #2: Tackle Plateaus Immediately Often time's, bodybuilders have a small growth spurt and then it stalls dead in its tracks. When this occurs they have no idea how to continue to produce gains. Hitting a plateau is not a detriment; it's a red flag to tell you to change something in your program. This could mean more calories, more rest, or a simple change in training. Heed the warning and make changes when necessary.
Bodybuilding Error #3: Failure to Track 
Most bodybuilders don't know how to track their progress, or they neglect to track their progress. Often times, bodybuilders fail to have a structured system to follow to evaluate and gauge their progress. Without a roadmap, you are headed down a dead end road.
Bodybuilding Error #4: Neglecting the Weakest Link 
It's common among bodybuilders to train their strongest body part more because it feeds their ego. Those who don't train or those who fail to put 100% into their weak body parts are doing themselves a great injustice, which can create imbalances.
Bodybuilding Error #5: 
Supplement Reliance Many bodybuilders get a condition called supplement-overload. This is simply taking too many supplements in hopes to build a superhuman body overnight. There are a few key supplements that help to build muscle. Knowing what supplement to take and when to take it can make all the difference in muscle gains. Overloading on the latest supplement trend will only deflate your wallet.
Bodybuilding Error #6: 
No Intensity I see a lot of bodybuilders lacking intensity. Anaerobic intensity is not high-volume training. Training intensity is the poundage and force used. When you fail to challenge your muscles, your body will fail to grow.
Bodybuilding Error #7: Information Overload 
It's common for bodybuilders to be in a whirlwind of excess information. Information overload is having too much information and not having the slightest idea of how to implement any of it. Building muscle is not complicated. Go back to the basics, train, eat, rest = growth.
Bodybuilding Error #8: 
Poor Form Bad form is another major mistake made among bodybuilders. Many bodybuilders are ego lifters. The weight they try to push is so much that proper form is missing, which can cause injury.
Bodybuilding Error #9: Fear of Carbs 
Shunning the carbs is a major muscle-building error. Carbs are stored in the muscles as muscle glycogen. This is the fuel for weight training. Without the proper muscle fuel you will be in a muscle wastage state. You can eat protein until it comes out of your ears, but if you don't have glycogen stores, you won't increase your strength or muscle gains.
Conclusion This is just skimming the surface of bodybuilding errors. However, if you can avoid the above you can maximize muscle gains and strength levels far beyond you ever imagined.
To be a success you have to keep yourself and your ego in check. Keep in mind your goal is progression, not perfection. If it means taking a few days off of training, so be it. Sometimes, taking a step back can put you two steps ahead.


Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform their bodies. 

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4 Key Tips for De-Stressing the Mind

4 Key Tips for De-Stressing the Mind 

By Aila Accad

The mind is a wonderful tool for observation, conceptualization, processing information, and in short - thinking. However, when the tool becomes the master, stress is inevitable.
 Like a computer, your mind holds lots of data and has a program to organize that data. Each mind programs the input it receives through unique perceptions and interpretations developed in early childhood. This childhood template is your mind's operating system until you choose to change it.
 De-stressing involves becoming aware of and updating these childhood beliefs.

Two core sets of beliefs - Who you think you are (self-concept) and who you think you 'should' be (self-ideal) evolve from what we hear, see, and experience as children. You do not knowingly choose the self-images, which are the foundation for self-esteem (the value for yourself) and self-determination (the power to make free choices). Failing to achieve this unrealistic self-ideal is inevitable and believing you have limited power to choose freely creates DISTRESS.
 The basic categories of response to distress are fight, flight, and freeze.
  Is your tendency to run, hide, and internalize stress in isolation, passivity or depression? Is it to lash out, attack and externalize stress in aggression, domination or anxiety? Or, do you become immobilized and stuck? Either way, the core issues and solutions are the same.

The tips that follow are simple, logical, and doable. However, implementation may be challenging.

Tip # 1: Sort

The key to mental de-stressing is to recognize the areas of life in which you do or do not have control. Get a piece of paper and pencil and take note of the thoughts that arise as I explain this simple sorting technique. These notes will be important when we get to Tip # 3. You have NO control of anything outside yourself. You have TOTAL control of everything inside yourself. This does not seem earth shattering until you look at daily reactions.
 If you are like most people, you blame everything outside of you for your stress and direct most of your precious time and energy into fruitless efforts to control the uncontrollable. A short list of uncontrollables includes time, nature, and other people.
 You reduce your stress when you put your time and energy into the one area where it will pay off, where you have total control and power to direct your life - in YOU. In knowing how you think and feel, and making choices about what is important to you.

Sorting what you can and cannot control helps you see clearly where to place your attention. Although the conditioned mind (ego) does not accept change easily, it does like structure.

Tip # 2: Focus

Focus your attention on the power to make choices. You can only make choices in the present moment.
 You can make informed choices by learning from the past. Today's choices influence the future. Choosing consciously what you do in this moment is the most powerful thing you can do.
 There is a finite amount of time in a day. You control what you do with it. It is essential to prioritize what is most important to you. Then, it is easier to see what must either be delegated or dropped from the 'to do' list.
 Life becomes much simpler, less stressful, and more productive when you are realistic about what you can do and take responsibility for acting on that priority in the present moment. Focus on being aware of your choices today and notice how outcomes change.
 You are the only person who has control of your choices. Choosing not to take action is also a choice. You have the power to influence the direction and satisfaction of your future. You also influence - not control - everyone around you by the choices you make. Making a difference in the world begins within you. A change in any part of the whole changes the whole.

Tip # 3: Observe

What reactions is your mind having to this information? Fight - resistance, looking for flaws in the logic. Or, flight - distraction, not wanting to continue reading. The mind resists changing core beliefs. Observe its resistance.
 In childhood, your mind formed ideas about how to be safe in the world. The conditioned mind (ego) is all about safety and survival. It gets scared when you decide not to play your life by the old "safe" rules.
 Although the survival functions of the brain are important, you are no longer a vulnerable infant or child. Fight and flight are limited strategies for managing adult life and relationships. Observe these mental directives. What are the words your mind uses to keep you tied to old rules? What is the tone of voice? Whose voice does it sound like? Keep a journal of your observations. It can give you clues to the pattern that still informs your choices today.
 You are not your thoughts. Your mind is designed to support your decision-making, not control it. While the original unconscious program was useful in keeping you safe as a child, you must consciously update that program so it can serve you in being a powerful, responsible adult.

Tip # 4: Stop, Drop & Replace

Take decisive action to stop the inner critic. Whenever you hear that inner voice spouting its shoulds, shouldn'ts, or judgments (negative or positive), take action to stop the thought. Each inner voice is unique. If yours is aggressive or hostile, you will want to stop it with some force. You can think or say aloud "Stop!" or use more colorful language.
 Drop the image of who you think you 'should' be. This is a composite made up by various people, none of whom lives your unique life. A helpful strategy when you hear the words 'should' or 'should not' is to ask the question: "Who made that up?" Realize that the laws of nature are few. A human being made everything else up. Some beliefs are useful for living comfortably in society. Choose the ones you want to keep and let the rest go.
 Replace the old rules with supportive ones. For example, "If you say what you really think; people won't like you," - counter with, "By speaking my truth, others can connect with me and connect with their truth."
 Conditioning and images are not the truth about who you are or 'should' be. They are unconscious programs running your precious life as if you were still a child. The mind, like a computer, uses an operating system. Your life is continuously changing. How will your computer serve you if you never update the operating system to keep up with changing technology or delete old files to clear space for new information? The mind requires continuous monitoring and updating in order to serve you in consciously choosing the life you want.

These four strategies for mental de-stressing will change your perspective and give you control over your choices. Sort what you can control from what you cannot control, focus on what you can control, observe your mind's discomfort with staying present in the moment, stop - drop - and replace the negative self criticism and judgment based in past conditioning.
 Final note: Getting outside supportive coaching or counseling to carry out these steps may be helpful and well worth the time and cost for a stress free life!

About the Author:
Aila Accad, RN, MSN ‘Your Stress-Buster Coach’ is an award-winning speaker, best-selling author and transformation coach who inspires and supports people to free their lives from stress and restore inner power. Her Amazon Best-Seller “34 Instant Stress-Busters, Quick tips to de-stress fast with no extra time or money” is available now with $1200 in free self-growth downloadable gifts at Sign up for De-Stress Tips & News at and receive the “Ten Instant Stress Busters” e-book..


Ruby Rings

How to Keep Your Long Locks Healthy

How to Keep Your Long Locks Healthy
Love your long hair by giving it loving care!

You love your long hair, right? Long hair needs special care to stay shiny, free of split ends and strong in the wake of any hairstyle! While long well cared for hair is often envied by others, almost nothing looks worse than long, unkempt hair that is crying out for some attention.

Get A Trim

Although many with long hair loathe the thought, frequent trims are the most important aspect of keeping long hair in the best possible condition. If you are in a growing phase, trim half an inch about every three months. If you already have long hair and want to keep the same length, a trim every four to six weeks is ideal to keep split ends at bay and keep your hairs style in tip top shape.

Stay Away From Chemicals

Chemical treatments are not recommended for long hair, as it is already quite fragile. Any bleach or strong perm solutions stand to weaken the hair shaft and set you up for fuzzy long hair – a fashion faux pas any day of the week. If you want to color your hair use natural henna or semi permanent hair color that contains no peroxide. This type of color only deposits and does not lift color, so it is not damaging to the hair. If you insist on bleach highlights or a perm, it is imperative that you deep condition your hair once a week with a quality product. Organic hair products are great for long hair in general and particularly good for deep conditioning. I apply deep conditioner and wear it to bed (yes, it’s very romantic – not) rinsing it out in my morning shower. Leaving the product on overnight really gives it a chance to sink it and do it’s good work for your tresses. If you must, you can wear a shower cap to bed to prevent any pillow case damage. I just comb mine through my hair and put in a headband. I wash my pillowcase the next day – no big deal.

Don’t Overheat Your Hair!

Long hair really does not take so well to heated appliances such as blow dryers, flat irons and scorching hot curling irons. It’s best to leave hairstyles that require these heated appliances to special occasions. Long hair is technically old hair, and it does not want to be oven baked any more than young hair does! Any time you can let your hair air dry, you are doing yourself and your hair a great favor.

Eat A Healthy Diet
Your diet really does affect the health of your hair so take heed with ‘you are what you eat’. Eating a lot of sugar, salt and animal fats is bad for you and for your hair. Drinking lots of water and taking a daily multi vitamin (especially if you don’t eat adequate fruits and vegetables…it’s better to get your vitamins from foods but a supplement is a good back up plan) will nourish your body therefore nourishing your hair as well.

It’s taken time and patience to grow the long hair you’ve always wanted, so invest the time and money in a regime to keep it looking its very best. Good hair habits quickly become second nature when you reap the rewards of a glossy, radiantly healthy mane that gets compliments on a daily basis. Long hair can be luxurious, vital, head turning hair - but it doesn’t happen by accident. Treat your long hair with special care and you will find yourself smiling when you look in the mirror

Laura Miller writes about beauty, health, wellness and fashion and enjoys being on the cutting edge of what’s new in all of those areas.

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