Friday, October 5, 2012

How to Avoid 3 Big Mistakes in Weight Loss

By Shabnamahsan

Weight loses & dieting has become a favorite subject in modern world. We all want to get in shape and feel great, but we often do big mistakes which keep us from achieving our weight loose goal.                 
        I am not talking about small mistakes like occasionally eating a big portion of black forest cake or having a glass of Pina Colada, but about the grave mistakes which are responsible for failure of desired weight loss. Knowing these mistakes you will be prepared to avoid them & make your weight loss plan a big success.


You Give Up Easily

You follow your diet religiously for few days or few weeks or few months. One day something happens like you accept a chocolate offered by your friend or eat outside with your family and suddenly you feel like your diet plan shattered. You go back to your unhealthy eating habits. Don’t give up. Try tomorrow again. Be prepared for occasional slip ups.

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