Saturday, June 27, 2015

Blog Makeover Challenge : Day Four

Today's task is to choose colours and integrate into our blog. 
      Since my blog place is a cozy home and I love to decorate it with floral prints I choose this background and colours. 
             Tell me in the comments how you liked it.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Blog Makeover Challenge : Day Three

Blog Makeover Challenge : Day Three
           Today we have to choose fonts for our blog keeping in mind our blog place.
     I use Times New Roman font for my blog and I just love it. So I am not going to change it. I am happy with it.

#Blog Makeover Challenge, #Blog

Blog Makeover Challenge : Day Two

Blog Makeover Challenge : Day Two

Today we got an interesting question "if your blog was a place, what would it be"? It is useful to understand the feeling you want your readers to  have when they visit your blog. It also helps to decide the visuals of your blog.
                  Here is my answer: My blog is a cozy home. Everyone here feels free and comfortable. There is an atmosphere of love, affection and mutual support and help.

#Blog Makeover Challenge

Blog Makeover Challenge : Day One

Blog Makeover Challenge  Day One

For the first day, we were given the task of writing a mission statement for our blog. According to Daniela Uslan, mission statement is the fuel that keeps the blog going as well as a map that keeps it moving in the right direction.
      Here is my mission statement: I write about home, family and life, in general, to help others in facing life and managing home better. I do this because I love to share tips and ideas to help others.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Come & Join The 15 Day Blog Makeover Challenge

I have joined this blog makeover challenge by Daniela Uslan of An interesting way to do makeover on my blog in 15 days. It is arranged in manageable 15 minutes a day tasks. Facebook group of bloggers who joined this challenge are supportive and nice. The best part is that it's totally free. So what are you waiting for? Come and take the challenge.

                        I will post here the daily task of this challenge for you all.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Friendship Quote Friday : Heart of a True Friend

To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without reason, And to care without expectation, This is the heart of a true friend.

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