Friday, January 30, 2009

Dry Skin for Women Over 40

 by: Yana Berlin
 As women approach 40 their skincare regimen needs to be assessed. Even though aging occurs gradually and sometimes it is hard to notice the slight changes, especially when we fall in love with a product that we use for years, swear by it and refuse to realize that times have changes, and so have we.
It is very important to be on top of what is available on the market and moisturize should be our number one priority. While we all dream about a quick fix, or better yet a miracle in a bottle we have to give up our unrealistic obsession with flawless skin. Life takes over, wrinkles happen; aging is a natural and beautiful process that is inevitable to everyone.

Instead of concentrating on how many wrinkles you have embrace yourself for all that you achieved, for everything you have learned and for all that is still ahead. Now after you are done embracing, lets move on to enhancing. To downplay some of the natural effects of aging follow those simple steps, and enjoy your beautiful features, and remember the best is yet to come!

1. You Can No Longer Afford to Have Direct Sun Light. It’s bad for you…get over it…

2. If you are still smoking, your skin will have irreparable damage, It will be dull and gray. Just imagine yourself with grey hair and grey skin. If you haven’t put down that cigarette of yours yet, don’t come crying to me.
3. You are what you eat.
Vegetable and Fruits are good, Meet and Dairy is bad. Learn to live with it I did.
4. Most of all diseases are caused by stress

5. Your face is your treasure, wash it twice a day and moisturize it. NEVER go to sleep with make up on. I don’t care what time you are climbing into your bed.
6.  Your neck, your hands,elbows and heels is in immediate need of attention,. Remember MOISTURIZE.
7. If you have the urge to touch your face, think twice. If you still have the desire, go wash your hands.

8. Your make up has not meant to last forever, you are over 40 how old is that Channel eyes-shadow of yours?

9. Exercise your abs, work out your legs, and don’t forget your jaw muscles.

10. WATER, 10 glasses a day will keep plastic surgeon away. Water with lemons, water with cucumber, plain water and herbal tea is your goal. Stay away from carbonated and sugar drinks.

Take care of your skin and your soul will take care of itself.
 About Author
Yana Berlin is the founder and CEO of, devoted to the celebration of all things, primarily women and the challenges and joys they face juggling their careers, children, relationships, and life's other issues. Fabulously is a social network for women that catalyzes its members to celebrate and embrace their life. Since launching Mrs. Berlin has been connecting, and supporting women all over the world. Join us as we embark on our journey to the BEST part of our lives. Membership is FREE

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