Sunday, January 25, 2015

Home Remedies for Common Cold

Everyone faces the problem of common cold now and then. It’s not a big problem but it actually disrupts our life and we need to carry handkerchief and some people use nasal spray to overcome it. But today we will look into a better solution for common cold.


Common cold is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract caused by viral infection. It occurs when temperature changes suddenly or with long exposure to a cold environment.


Scratchy sore throat, running nose, sneezing, headache, body ache, fever, nasal congestion

Home Remedies


Get rest in warm environment so that your body resists cold virus faster & more efficiently.


Lemon is very effective as its rich in vitamin C which decreases toxicity & increases body resistance. Add juice of two lemons in ½ liter of boiling water. Add honey & take it at bedtime. It boosts immune system & shortens the illness period.


Ginger is considering another effective home remedy for cold. Put 1”-1-1/2” piece of ginger in a cup of boiling water & give 8-10 boils. Add honey to sweeten it & drink it hot. You can add ginger pieces in your usual tea before adding tea leaves.

Carom Seeds 

To get relieved from nasal congestion crush one tablespoon carom seeds, tie it in a muslin cloth & inhale it to get relief from blocked nose.

Take Lots of Liquids

Drink lots of liquid to keep your body hydrated. It helps mucus thinning & flowing freely making it easier to expel


Having garlic is another very effective way to treat this common problem. You can use it as Garlic soup. Chop 3-4 cloves of garlic in one cup of water & your garlic soup is ready. Drink it once a day. Antiseptic & antispasmodic qualities of garlic flush out all toxins from the system & help to open up choked respiratory passage.

Chicken Soup

Generations of parents have spooned chicken soup into their sick children. Now scientists have put chicken soup to the test, discovering that it does have effects that might help relieve cold and flu symptoms.

According to Stephen Rennard, M.D., chief of pulmonary medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, chicken soup is anti inflammatory hence cures symptoms of cold.
Let me know if these remedies help overcome this common but irritating problem.

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