Sunday, September 18, 2016

How to Do Quick Beauty Treatment on Short Notice

Can you look as fresh and well-groomed as if you had spent hours at a beauty parlor?

Perhaps you are a business girl, a busy housewife, or a woman who, after a day of tiring social duties, is confronted with an irresistible invitation to a dinner, a party, or a dance.

You know you are not looking your best, you're tired and you haven't had time to rest. Yet a half-hour's careful preparation will banish fatigue, you CAN be the life of the party.

First and foremost, bring out the nicest frock you have and your daintiest lingerie. Put away the idea that because you're tired, nothing matters and that any thing will do.

Get everything ready so that when you have completed, you will not have to fuss about anything and so spoil the effect and perhaps your evening.

Set the bath-heater going, or turn on the taps if you're the fortunate possessor of hot-water service. Now dust some talcum powder into your stockings-especially if going to a dance.

Brush your hair well for a couple of minutes. If you haven't a setting lotion, dissolve as much gelatine (crystals) as will lie on a three penny piece in hot water, and brush this into your hair until it is damp. While the hair is moist, set the waves, using either one of the many wavers you can get, and which you will probably have with you, or, failing this, coax the waves, and after fixing them with pins or clips, slip a shower cap over your hair.

To Banish Fatigue

Your bath should now be ready. Throw in a handful or so of perfumed crystals, and, before you step in, rinse all dust and make-up off your face. Cover the face and throat with your favorite skin food, working it well in with gentle but firm massage movements.

Relax completely in the bath with your face still covered with skin food and your hair in the waves and a net. Relax mentally as well as physically. Forget that you have had a busy or tiring day-forget that you are going out-forget everything.

It is important to get into the right mental state. After five minutes of complete relaxation, brush your body vigorously, then stand up in your bath and, with a large sponge, give your body a sponge over with warm, cool, and then cold water. Finally, an all-over rub with Eau-de-Cologne.

Dry the body with a rough towel, rubbing until the skin glows. Dust with talcum, and use a deodorising liquid on the armpits. Then get into your dressing gown.

Rinse the cream off your face with an astringent lotion. Use rose water if you haven't anything else, 

If you have a few moments, rub your hands well with a cream and give them a brief, but careful manicure. If time permits, lie on the bed for a few moments with lights out, or blinds drawn. But you should feel fresh enough after your sponge down to commence dressing at once.

Apply your make-up carefully, and in good light, it is best to give any spare moments to this if you want to feel you are looking your best.

Before putting on your stockings, dab the feet with Eau-de-Cologne. When you take off your cap, you should find that your hair has responded quickly to the temporary treatment and curling lotion, and should be set in lovely waves with your fingers and the comb.

Now turn your attention to your toilet necessities for the evening. See that you have everything you need in your handbag. You don't want a last minute rush that will undo your half hour's work.

When your preparations are completed, and you have donned your smartest frock and wrap, you should look as fresh and well-groomed as if you had spent hours at a beauty parlor.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Motivational Quote Monday : To be Kind is More Important Than to be Right

To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.

#Motivational Quote  #Quotes #Motivational Quote Monday

Friday, July 22, 2016

Friendship Quotes Friday: Good Friends Are Like Diamonds Precious And Rare

Good Friends Are Like Diamonds
   Precious And Rare

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Monday, May 30, 2016

Do you know What Wrinkles reveals? Age or Something Else?

What do wrinkles tell? Not your age, certainly, for different people wrinkle at different ages. Usually, wrinkles tell the tale of increasing worries or an increasing tendency to worry, rather than increasing years. But you can, if you make up your mind, overcome worry . .. you can, with consistent care, eliminate tell'tale lines. 

Of course, there is a lot on the type of skin you have to influence your wrinkles. The face with a rather heavy skin, not very thin, usually wrinkles less than the very thin face with fine skin. You can't do much about that, you will say, for that is inherent. But you can! 

And you can do a lot about worrying. You can really form the habit of not worrying, at least not very much. Worrying doesn't do any good. And we usually worry about the things over which we have no control. It is a wasted physical and emotional exercise. 

Active interests help keep us from worrying. A pleasant social life helps. 

Sometimes bad eyesight brings on lots of wrinkles. If we are fitted to good glasses these wrinkles gradually disappear. 

The habit of screwing the face up as we talk or as we look at things also develops wrinkles. Watch some women as they work, they telephone with their faces all screwed up, they grimace when they call out to their children, they pucker their mouths when they think, they crinkle up their eyes when they sew. Whatever they do. they wrinkle their faces over it. And after a while, their wrinkles become deep-seated and permanent. 

Try to keep the face smooth and at ease, and your wrinkles won't develop. And if there are wrinkles, then work at massage to smooth them out. 

Massage This Way! 

For up-and-down wrinkles between the eyes, the thumbs should be placed beneath the chin and the first two fingers of both hands, with a little cold cream, should be rubbed back and forth across these wrinkles. 

The forehead should be very thoroughly washed each night with soap and water and then massaged. In the morning, it should be patted with an astringent. 

For crosswise wrinkles on the forehead, the thumbs should be placed at the sides of the head, just in front of the ears, and the wrinkles should be massaged with the fingertips, crosswise of the wrinkles.

 Persistent massage will help do away with even deep wrinkles on the forehead. But these wrinkles should not be formed. Self-control and good glasses will keep them from forming. Don't scowl, don't screw the eyes up. If you can't see without doing that, buy new glasses. 

Simple Rotary Movement 

Intelligent use of these movements will remove lines at the side of the mouth and nose: Dip the first three fingers of both hands in the cream or skin food and commence massage with a rotary motion at the corner of the mouth, working upwards to the jawbone beneath the ear. Keep the fingers well below the cheekbone. 

Now massage the side of the nose below the hollow of the eye, across the cheek and temple. Carry on beyond the hairline. 

Massage is a great help to beauty. It is also tonic in its effect on the nervous system. How many women have banished headaches, caused by worry and strain, by gently massaging the scalp, and felt younger and fresher after a face massage! 

It is magical in its effect on tired skins and nerves! Look in your mirror now and be proud of your beautiful skin.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How OLD You Want to be This Time NEXT YEAR??

How OLD will you be this time NEXT YEAR??... Radiantly Younger or pathetically Older ? The Solution lies in Your hands... which is it to be?

Start off the New Year with  firm resolutions-not to be broken like so many others!

Make it a pleasant New Year task and try to conquer your worst fault of looks.

Perhaps you frown or screw up your eyes-you can cure that by taking care not to. It's a habit, and you can break it.

Perhaps you don't walk gracefully. You can teach yourself, by walking back and forth before a mirror, watching each step, making every effort to walk more gracefully and easily.

Of course, if you're too fat, you can diet down a few pounds, and if you're too thin, you can build up a few pounds by eating the right sort of food.

You can improve the skin by massage and other external care. Get a good beauty expert to tell you just what you need for your particular type of skin, and then follow her directions carefully.

Walking and summer sports can be made to do lots for your general looks -your figure will become more supple and your carriage more graceful if you consistently carry out some sort of pleasant exercise.

Cheating Time

Those who persist in refusing to assist nature to preserve the bloom of youth surely must regret it when they enter the forties, if not before. At this stage it requires constant effort to make good the ravages of youth.

Just stop for a moment and consider how the face is exposed to all kinds of weather-hot, cold, windy or dusty. It is open to attack from other sources also. It mirrors your health, your age, your peace of mind.

Some faces, of course, show these things more so than others, but the face which is not cared for is bound to show all too soon that it has lacked attention. So, encourage beauty to last. 

Look to your health. Make a determined effort to oust worry from the mind. This is sometimes hard, I know. But it can be done. Meet your problems bravely. Face life with a smile.

Banish Lines

Look also to your skin. Nourish it. Drawn, dry, dull-looking skin denotes uncared-for skin. Your skin should look like rose petals, not like parchment. Soft velvety is young skin. Keep yours young by making it look and feel soft. If your skin becomes dry, naturally it will become lined. Lines are such insidious things.They begin in a small way, but rapidly grow deeper.

Moreover, it is possible to have fine lines which you do not observe without careful scrutiny. Age hardly counts. Pine lines can be found in quite young faces; they-listen to this carefully deepen with wrong treatment.

Treat your lines gently. Even if you are applying a cold cream smooth it across the lines with quite a light touch-and upward and outward.

      Home care is necessary to keep that well-groomed appearance.
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Monday, February 8, 2016

Motivational Quote Monday : If You Run Towards Solution....

If You Run Towards Solution rather than away from your problems, you propel your life forward and enjoy the route along the way

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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

My Angel

I just joined 30-day blogging challenge of Amanda. It's a themed challenge. We have to write 5 posts per week on a specific theme. This week's theme is to create content that reveals our self. To be written something about us.
       I am mom to my three cute daughters and wife to my husband and a caretaker of the house. But what is my identity besides these roles? I never had the time to think about myself, about my identity. There was no time to think about my happiness, my dreams or do something no matter how small just for me. There was no me time.
              Then something terrible happened and one angel came into my life. She softly holds my hand and guided me to meet myself. She encouraged me to do something just for me, for my happiness without hurting my other roles as mom, wife or caretaker. She is no more with me today. She is gone from where no one returns back. The god called her back. But she is always in my heart, in my prayers. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

How to Make the Most of Your Figure ? ? ? No Matter Your Type

True, every woman would like to have the ideal figure; to possess the slender, perfectly-proportioned figure. But if you cannot have it, do not waste time in vain regrets. Decide right now what type of figure you have and play up its best points for all you are worth.

Know your type! Just as the hands are distinguishable by their variations of shape, so the human figure shows many distinct differences. The modern movement aims to bring out the latent beauty in the various figure types.

Stand before a long mirror and take a good look at yourself-au naturel, for preference. Steady yourself with an observing and unprejudiced eye, as if you were seeing yourself for the first time. Perhaps your back has a too-deep in curve at the waist; your hips may be the thing that catch and hold your attention, or on the other hand, you may suffer from too-generous embonpoint (such a nice word for "tummy," don't you think?). 

What's to be done? If you wear the right foundation garment you can depend on it to do its share by supporting you in the right places, but do give it a little hearty cooperation. It works from the outside in; you must work from the inside out. You must get down and exercise those muscles that support your bones-that hold your back in line, your hips down, and your diaphragm in.

You Are a Sway-back Type

Today the pretty curves of the sway back figure are very much in vogue, but those of you who possess this extremely youthful figure should be careful not to let yourself overcurve-especially at the back waist. This will throw the diaphragm forward, and- horrible thought-give you a noticeable derrière (the nice French word for it).
So make up your mind that you are going to keep your curves, but to keep them under control.

Here's an exercise a very simple one -which will keep that spine in correct alignment. Place a chair with its back about a foot from the wall--just far enough so that you can squeeze through. Now edge through-and notice as you do how you bring your buttocks in and under you. You do the samething when you edge past people already seated in the theatre. You slim up without realising it. You straighten out your spine, draw in your "tummy" and diaphragm, and flatten out those rear curves.

Worried About Your Hips?

Don't be! If they're very big because of bony structure no power on earth can change them. But if you carry yourself well you can make them seem half their size. 
The thing you have to guard against is flesh. Unfortunately, this figure, already large in the hips, displays a tendency to accumulate unwanted flesh below the waist, adding inches just at the one place where it is not wanted.

So exercise!

Here's an entertaining way of getting the hips, particularly that part known as the buttocks, where they should be. It's splendid for the abdominal muscles as well.

Lie flat on the floor. Now bend your right knee up and towards your chin. Squeeze your thigh-bone hard against your body so that you feel the contraction of the groin muscles and muscles of the lower abdomen. Stop before you're tired, and. try the left leg. Then raise both legs at once, pressing the thighs hard against the abdominal wall. And, if you're really ambitious, stand up, lean your back against the nearest wall, and repeat the exercise with first one leg and then the other. 

If you're doing it correctly you're bound to feel pressure way down in your abdominal muscles and in the muscles of  your back. These muscles are vastly Important because they're the ones that hold your pelvis at the right angle and your buttocks down and under.

Remember always to:

1. Keep your feet parallel, letting your weight fall not on your toes, not on your heels, but directly over your ankle-bones.

2. Bring your knees immediately over your ankles and keep them easy. Locked knees are ugly and give rise to many figure faults.

3. You know where your hip-bones are? Well, line them up above your kneecaps and ankle-bones and keep your hips well down at the back.

4. Unless you especially admire pouter pigeons, don't shove your chest up and out. Keep your ribs easy and low.

5. Don't tense your shoulders; don't thrust them back; don't droop them forward; don't hold them high about your ears Hold them easily, far out at the sides.

6. Balance your head naturally, so that a line passing through the lobe of your ear will also cut through the middle of your shoulder.

Individuality has spread through all phases of life; it has relieved us of the burden of being standardized in thought, in action, in dress, in the face, in the figure. Be true to yourself, to your best self is the gospel of 1916.
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