Sunday, September 18, 2016

How to Do Quick Beauty Treatment on Short Notice

Can you look as fresh and well-groomed as if you had spent hours at a beauty parlor?

Perhaps you are a business girl, a busy housewife, or a woman who, after a day of tiring social duties, is confronted with an irresistible invitation to a dinner, a party, or a dance.

You know you are not looking your best, you're tired and you haven't had time to rest. Yet a half-hour's careful preparation will banish fatigue, you CAN be the life of the party.

First and foremost, bring out the nicest frock you have and your daintiest lingerie. Put away the idea that because you're tired, nothing matters and that any thing will do.

Get everything ready so that when you have completed, you will not have to fuss about anything and so spoil the effect and perhaps your evening.

Set the bath-heater going, or turn on the taps if you're the fortunate possessor of hot-water service. Now dust some talcum powder into your stockings-especially if going to a dance.

Brush your hair well for a couple of minutes. If you haven't a setting lotion, dissolve as much gelatine (crystals) as will lie on a three penny piece in hot water, and brush this into your hair until it is damp. While the hair is moist, set the waves, using either one of the many wavers you can get, and which you will probably have with you, or, failing this, coax the waves, and after fixing them with pins or clips, slip a shower cap over your hair.

To Banish Fatigue

Your bath should now be ready. Throw in a handful or so of perfumed crystals, and, before you step in, rinse all dust and make-up off your face. Cover the face and throat with your favorite skin food, working it well in with gentle but firm massage movements.

Relax completely in the bath with your face still covered with skin food and your hair in the waves and a net. Relax mentally as well as physically. Forget that you have had a busy or tiring day-forget that you are going out-forget everything.

It is important to get into the right mental state. After five minutes of complete relaxation, brush your body vigorously, then stand up in your bath and, with a large sponge, give your body a sponge over with warm, cool, and then cold water. Finally, an all-over rub with Eau-de-Cologne.

Dry the body with a rough towel, rubbing until the skin glows. Dust with talcum, and use a deodorising liquid on the armpits. Then get into your dressing gown.

Rinse the cream off your face with an astringent lotion. Use rose water if you haven't anything else, 

If you have a few moments, rub your hands well with a cream and give them a brief, but careful manicure. If time permits, lie on the bed for a few moments with lights out, or blinds drawn. But you should feel fresh enough after your sponge down to commence dressing at once.

Apply your make-up carefully, and in good light, it is best to give any spare moments to this if you want to feel you are looking your best.

Before putting on your stockings, dab the feet with Eau-de-Cologne. When you take off your cap, you should find that your hair has responded quickly to the temporary treatment and curling lotion, and should be set in lovely waves with your fingers and the comb.

Now turn your attention to your toilet necessities for the evening. See that you have everything you need in your handbag. You don't want a last minute rush that will undo your half hour's work.

When your preparations are completed, and you have donned your smartest frock and wrap, you should look as fresh and well-groomed as if you had spent hours at a beauty parlor.

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