Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How To Make Soup Fatfree

 By shabnamahsan

Whenever I go out for a foodie party to a restaurant, I always start it with a soup. But do you know these tasty yummy soups also have so much fat and calories. But I know a great way to make it more lighter for your tummy and health too. 
                   So here is the small procedure to do it. Drop ice cubes into the pot & stir. The Fat will cling to the cubes. Or, wrap ice cubes in paper towel or cheesecloth & skim over the top of the soup. Take care to discard the cubes before they melt.
              If you make it at home, refrigerate the stock and after sometime, fat will come at the top and gets accumulated into a hard thick form. Now get a spoon or fork and remove it easily. 
tomato soup
You will get a fat free body friendly starter.
               So this method is simple and doesn't need any special skills. It's a child play. Isn't it? Share your tips of making fatty soups fat free.
              Until then Eat Healthy Think Wealthy :-).
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

How To Make Your Own Spray Water Pipe

Do you know you can do many things with your old bulky Hose pipe? Well the best example is to use it as a Water Spraying Pipe that can solve your many problems like for your garden grasses or just simple watering. But How to easily mould it into a water spraying machine? This is really too simple and you don't have to think about it because i have already done this thinking job for you. Get some pointed needle like object from your backyard or the kitchen (Handle with care) and make some extra holes on it. Now Guess what? It's done. You did a great job. Use it now as a soaker for long slow watering or treat it as a gardening tool.
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